Remove all nail polish, jewelry, rings, makeup, piercings.
Wear comfortable, loose clothing.
Take heart and blood pressure medications with a sip of water.
Do not take diabetes or insulin medication unless instructed to.
Do not drink other liquids or surgery will be cancelled.
Do not eat any solid foods or drink liquids besides water and Gatorade.
Drink your 20oz Gatorade before you leave or on the way to the hospital.
If you are diabetic drink 20oz water instead.
Remember to wash with the chlorhexidine soap (Hibiclens) the morning of surgery.
Surgery Center/Hospital arrival
Arrive at the surgery center or hospital at least two hours before your procedure.
Finish your Gatorade as you arrive.
Check into the surgery center or hospital.
A nurse will identify you and get you an ID band.
You will be checked in by a nurse and asked about your pain level.
You will be given an IV and weighed by the nurse.
You will be given several medications that will help keep you comfortable during surgery.
You will meet the surgery team and your consent for surgery will be reviewed.
Your surgical site will be marked.
You will meet with the anesthesia team who will review your medical history and will discuss your anesthesia plan.
If you are having a knee replacement surgery you will receive a local adductor canal block.
It is recommended to have spinal anesthesia for total joint replacement as patients have less pain, quicker recovery, less blood loss, and better outcomes with spinal anesthesia.
Operating Room
Once you are in the OR we will confirm your identity and the location of your surgery.
You will be hooked up to monitors.
Your anesthesiologist may perform your spinal block in the holding area or operating room.
You will be given antibiotics through your IV.
The surgical site will be prepped with antimicrobial wash and sterilized and drapes will be placed to prevent contamination to the surgical site.
A final time out to confirm identity and surgical site will be performed before surgery begins.