Online misinformation about noisy knees is influencing people to make poor health choices
From cracking, clicks and popping sounds, it is estimated knee crepitus affects up to 70% of people.
From cracking, clicks and popping sounds, it is estimated knee crepitus affects up to 70% of people.
Knee pain is one of the most common physical complaints for adults, affecting roughly one in four Americans over age 60. Although surgery may be required for the most severe cases, many people can get relief from a less invasive procedure: injections into the joint.
Hip pain can be caused by overuse or damage to the hip joint, cartilage, or surrounding muscles, and can significantly impact your ability to perform everyday activities, including walking, going up and down stairs, and sitting and standing for prolonged periods of time.
We describe an anterior proximal femur osteotomy technique starting from the inside of the femoral canal at the bone-implant interface and heading outward.
To utilize the NSQIP database to identify risk factors for 30-day adverse events and hospital readmission following isolated and unilateral meniscectomy or meniscus repair.